By Cesare Sacchetti When we had the chance to listen to the conversation of two journalists who...
The electoral fraud is collapsing day after day: is Trump’s return at hand?
Categorie: US electoral fraud
The panic of the deep state: Trump’s return would be the end of NATO and the EU
By Cesare Sacchetti When Donald Trump in 2016 walked down the mobile stairs of his New York...
by Cesare Sacchetti
To better understand what’s happening in the United States in relation to the 2020 election is necessary to read some independent newspapers not aligned with the so-called mainstream media.
What’s happening in these weeks is something unprecedented in the United States.
Proof of massive electoral fraud is emerging, especially in the battleground States, which have always been crucial in determining the fate of the election.
Other proof of voter fraud was already shown to several US Courts, but unfortunately, the almost totality of these courts refused even to look at the evidence shown.
The main difference between now and then is that at this moment the necessary audits are finally taking place.
Almost nobody in the US and Europe probably knows where Maricopa is now and almost nobody probably has the slightest idea of what’s going on in this Arizona county.
In this county, a mechanism was set in motion that could really change the destiny of America and of the entire world.
Everything started on March 31, when the Arizona Senate choose to authorize an audit to recount and verify the ballots cast in Maricopa County, which is the fourth largest county in the US.
The society that received the task to perform this audit is the Florida-based Cyber-Ninja.
When the deep state saw what was happening now, the reaction was of pure panic. The Democratic Party rushed to a local judge to demand the halt of the audit. The judge was available to consider the request of the plaintiffs, but only they would be able to post a bail of 1 million dollars.
The Democrats failed to fulfill this request and the audit went on.
In order to understand how serious the Maricopa audit is, it is certainly helpful to read the chronicles of “The Gateway Pundit”, which accurately described the procedure undertaken to verify the authenticity of the ballots.
Ultraviolet light is pointed on the ballots to check if watermarks are present in them. Watermarks can confirm or not if the ballot is authentic. This blog, and other independent media, mentioned the use of this technology but many people, including Trump’s supporters, ruled the news as “fake” despite the CYSA clearly mentions the presence of watermarks in the ballots.
Now it’s happening before the eyes of everyone. The media is failing to report the Maricopa Audit because it’s behaving like an ostrich, who places his head under the sand in the vain hope that the reality of the surface would fade away.
If one would like to lend the terminology of the globalist regime, he could say that the deep state and the media are “deniers.”
Meanwhile, the recount proceeds, and many illegalities already emerged. The auditors found thousands of duplicated ballots, which are ballots that replace the original ballots, in case these are damaged or unusable.
To be legit, a duplicated ballot must have the same six-code number of the original ballot, otherwise the duplicated ballot should be considered as a ghost ballot, or simply fake.
However, Maricopa has triggered the Domino effect. As soon as the recount started in Arizona, from the other side of the country, in Michigan, a courageous lawyer, Matthew DePerno, started to produce evidence of a massive fraud in the State of the Great Lakes.
The pattern is quite the same. Thousands of illegal ballots came up and these votes determined the “victory” of Joe Biden.
These votes were switched in the same moment and in the same quantity and this circumstance itself proves the impossibility of a human hand in the switching. An algorithm was used to move all these votes from a candidate, Biden, to another, Trump.
Therefore, it was confirmed what it was partially shown in November. Joe Biden is not the legitimate President of the United States.
America was the victim of a massive fraud perpetrated within the United States and even outside the country.
This international coup allowed the establishment of an imposter in the White House.
How the deep state orchestrated the coup against Trump
As was mentioned before, the fraud was orchestrated on two sides: a domestic one and an international one.
At this point, a flashback to the night of November 3 could be very important. Many readers probably remember what happened that night when the scrutineers halted the count simultaneously in the key States.
It was unprecedented. The deep state realized that something went wrong. The fraud was not enough. And here comes the international side of the electoral coup against Trump.
The role played by Dominion on this side was simply crucial. It is important to remember that Dominion is the Canadian company that managed the electoral count in many States.
Dominion is closely related to some Democratic Party key figures, such as George Soros and the Clintons.
Basically, Dominion in this election managed the entire election to the point to replace the electoral officials, who didn’t have access to the passwords of the modem.
The US election was basically privatized. But the fraud to be completely successful needed not only fake ballots, but also a massive switching of votes from Trump to Biden.
In this regard, Italy played a fundamental part to allow the successful outcome of this operation.
That night was the beginning of the Italygate scandal, namely the involvement of the Italian government in the electoral fraud.
According to several sources close to Italygate, Conte’s government gave a green light to Leonardo, an Italian government company, to switch the votes from Trump to Biden.
The fraud would be coordinated in the US Embassy in Rome by General Graziano and by another man of the US State Department, Stephan Serafini.
The technical side of the operation was managed by an Italian professional hacker, Arturo D’Elia, who worked also for NATO and with the District Attorney office of Naples.
At this point, the question that many people are asking is why didn’t Trump, who was informed of all this scheme, declare the election illegal in the first place?
In other words, why wasn’t the kraken unleashed in November or December?
Trump avoided a civil war by allowing the establishment of a puppet administration
Now, one should try to imagine what would mean the official enforcement of martial law or the activation of the Insurrection Act made by Trump.
Under the constitutional aspect, Trump had all the right to adopt these measures because there was a direct attack against the US Sovereignty conceived to overthrow the legit commander in chief.
Under a more practical aspect, such decisions would have led the country to a new civil war much more devastating than the 1860 civil war under the Lincoln presidency.
The Democratic States, such as California and New York, would have likely seceded and the UN, an institution closely tied to the Rockefeller family, would have internationally condemned Trump’s act.
The UN would have also encouraged a foreign military intervention to overthrow Trump.
It would have been an explosive situation with devastating consequences for America and the world. Trump’s masterpiece move was instead to do what was required to do to stop the fraud, but at an underground level.
Trump would follow Sun Tzu’s principles of the Art of War. War means deception and sometimes the best way to fight an enemy who is powerful in a particular moment of the battle is to evade him and to attack him in a second moment.
The deception against the deep state seems to have been quite effective.
A puppet administration devoid of real powers is now established in Washington.
Joe Biden doesn’t control the military and most of the US armed forces don’t recognize him as the legit commander in chief.
The mission of Biden was to hype up tensions against Russia, the other great adversary of globalism, and speed up the enforcement of the Great Reset in the US.
Biden completely failed the goals assigned to him by the cabal.
Tensions with Russia are deescalating. Apart from some insults against Putin, Biden didn’t do any substantial act to harm Russia’s interests.
Putin denied Ukraine military support in the Eastern front, where Kyiv has been running deliberate provocations against Moscow.
Recently, it has emerged how Biden seems also to be intentioned to lift the sanctions against Nord Stream 2, the Russian pipeline. This would be a major move to normalize relations with Moscow.
The Great Reset is stuck. Many US States have lifted Covid restrictions and others, like Florida, are sanctioning companies that demand vaccines to their employers for working.
At this point, one could ask who’s really in charge in the United States and who are Biden’s handlers?
There’s a possible interpretation that could explain what’s going on.
According to several sources close to Trump, the President would temporarily deliver the power to the military by signing the Insurrection Act.
All this was allegedly done in an unofficial way.
In this way, Trump turned the Biden administration into a puppet administration, devoid of any effective powers and not in control of the military, still loyal to the President.
The two Presidents prophecy
This situation closely resembles a prophecy very popular in these weeks made by Kim Clement, a South African singer and pastor that predicted the victory of Trump years before his candidacy.
This 2008 prophecy speaks of two US Presidents, who in a certain moment of history would rule at the same time.
It’s a situation that is unbelievably similar to what is happening now in America, with Trump, possible covert commander in chief, and Joe Biden, a virtual president who doesn’t seem to be really in charge.
However, this diarchy is deemed to end at a certain moment and Clement also said something very interesting related to this situation.
The South African pastor explicitly mentioned Italy, where a big event would take place. Was Clement referring to Italygate and to Italy’s role in the international coup against Trump?
It’s not easy to say, but what Trump did would be only a strategic retreat. Now comes the second part of the plan.
In order to have regular elections, it’s necessary to remove one of the primary causes which allowed the fraud in several States. One of the primary causes are the electoral laws that allowed to count illegal absentee ballots and the participation of electors who had no right to vote, such as illegal aliens.
In almost half of the US States, the electoral laws were already changed in a more restrictive way. Therefore, Trump is laying the ground for a new election that will be likely held before 2024, and by changing the laws he’s dramatically reducing the eventuality of a new fraud.
Trump himself in his latest interview released to Chanel Rion, an OAN journalist, clearly said that. “Something has to be done before 2022”, while in another interview released to Joe Pagliarulo, he said that Biden cannot be able to govern when the audits will prove that he had lost.
Trump’s interviews and appearances are exponentially growing as the electoral fraud is being revealed in the key States.
Sources close to Trump said that his rallies would start again in June and that in July his social media platform would be ready.
Trump’s move seems to indicate that the President is already at work for an electoral campaign to be held before 2024.
Mike Lindell, My Pillow CEO, spoke of a possible return of Trump in August.
It’s hard to say if Trump would be already President for that month, but it could be certainly said that Trump is already working for a premature electoral campaign.
The Rothschild convened an emergency meeting to stop Trump
On the deep state side, they immediately realized Trump’s plan and the Rothschilds in person stepped in to handle a situation very tricky for them.
This circumstance is extremely rare. The Rothschild family has always preferred to work behind the scenes.
The Rothschilds built their financial empire during the last 2 centuries by following a strict rule. They financed the two sides of all the wars in order to control them both.
Above all, as Nathan, one of the members of the family said, is crucial to control the issue of the currency of the States. If you control the currency, you control that nation.
The Rothschilds have been knowing this rule very well.
However, the Rothschilds had to break their rule and intervene directly because the situation seems quite dangerous.
Lynn de Rothschild, the wife of the banker Evelyn de Rothschild, former CEO of The Economist, convened an emergency summit with 100 CEOs of the most important and influential US corporations.
This meeting was held on Zoom, the platform used for videoconferences, and there were people like Mary Barra, GM CEO, and James Murdoch, son of the media magnate Rupert Murdoch.
This event seemed to be a repetition of what took place last year, when the financial establishment of the US coordinated to perpetrate the 2020 fraud.
Time magazine also revealed how the US establishment worked closely to reassure the successful outcome of the electoral coup against Trump.
The inspirers and the instigators of this crime were indeed the Rothschilds.
In this Zoom meeting, the Rothschilds delivered their orders to the US deep state. It’s vital to prevent the reform of the US electoral laws in a more restrictive way.
Therefore, what is unfolding is the latest chapter of a long war between this family that wants to rule the world by ushering in a New World Order and Donald Trump and the military patriots loyal to Trump.
One can call them Q if he wants, but this doesn’t matter. What matters most is that it would be the outcome of this battle to determine the fate of America and the entire world.
For the first time, after many decades, the US is not playing the Rothschilds pawn game.
For the first time after many decades, there’s a US President who doesn’t want to sacrifice his country upon the altar of global tyranny ruled by Freemasonry and by this family of bankers that aims to replace God himself.
Globalism has a plan. To drag mankind towards the New World Order it needs America. It’s impossible to get a world government without the participation of the first-world superpower.
This is Rothschilds’ obsession who have been waging war against the US since the beginning of its existence to have control of the “New World”.
In the idea of Freemasonry and of the cabal, it is the new Atlantis that has the leadership of the building of the new Tower of Babel.
It’s a battle that overcomes the material borders to reach the spiritual side. The spiritual side really helps to understand what’s going on in the world and the real nature of this battle.
There’s a passage in the Bible that incarnates the meaning of this historical moment and is the one of the Ephesians.
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Therefore, the final showdown seems to be closer than ever and it is already possible to see some light at the end of the light. The children of darkness perfectly realized that and they’re ready to everything to avoid their defeat. Globalism is like a wounded animal. It’s ready to everything before finally dying.
However, those who understood the nature of this was, has nothing to fear. In any case, the light will win. The evil that is oppressing the world will be wiped away.
The time for the children of darkness is soon to expire.
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