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The Pentagon source:” there was a military confrontation between China and US in the South China Sea”

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by Cesare Sacchetti

Submarines that engage in battles in the depths of the world oceans.

We are not talking about a story inspired by a Tom Clancy novel and we are not even talking about something that happened in the Cold War era, when US and Russia clashed quite frequently.

We are talking about something that took place recently and in order to better understand this story, we must mention a recent episode reported by the MSM.

Probably many of you have already heard news about the USS Connecticut. Recently, the media has reported that this US nuclear submarine hit a mysterious object in the South China Sea.

China has issued an official note to protest over this incident and accused Washington of “irresponsibility”.

China asked if this collision provoked the leaking of radioactive material in the water but the United States has not responded about this so far.

However, this story could be none other than a cover story. According to a very reliable Pentagon source who has reached out to our blog, what happened in the South China Sea is the result of a direct confrontation between China and the United States, which took place on the night of October 2.

Before proceeding with this startling revelation, we must introduce the geopolitical context about the South China Sea to understand why this maritime zone is so strategic.

The territorial disputes over the South China Sea

The South China Sea is a sea zone surrounded by several countries of South East Asia, such as China, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

Each of these countries has been clashing for decades over the control of this area because each one of them claims the territorial sovereignity of the South China Sea.

Incidents and real marine battles here were not rare. In 1974, China and Vietnam had a clash over the territorial claim of the Parcel Islands. 74 Chinese and 18 Vietnam soldiers lost their lives in this incident although China was successful in gaining territorial control over these small islands in the South China Sea.

Tensions even increased in the following years. In 1988, there was another clash that involved once again China and Vietnam but this time for the control of the Spratly Islands. Vietnam paid a high price in terms of human lives with losses of 70 of its sailors who died in the battle. China lost only one man and seized the islands, defeating Vietnam.

The Spratly Islands are a concentration of small islands and islets. In addition to the South China Sea area, they are the object of very fierce disputes between the countries that border this area.

The reason for these conflicts lies in the geopolitical significance of the South China Sea. One-third of the world trade passes in this area. Having control over this area gives a huge geopolitical leverage to the country that succeeds in this effort.

There are also other reasons for these constant disputes. Several experts believe that in the seabed beneath the South China Sea, lie huge reserves of natural gas and oil. Seizing these reserves would give a very significant advantage in terms of energy independence.

This is why every country involved in the South China Sea disputes claims this maritime zone.

China established its own principle to claim the entire area for itself. This principle is known as the nine-dash line, which is an imaginary line traced by the Communist dictatorship in 1947. This line basically assigns China most of the control of the area.

Other countries contested the legitimacy of China’s claim and the international jurisprudence recently clarified this issue.

In 2016, in a legal battle that involved China and the Philippines, the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled that China’s nine dash-line criterion finds no legal basis in the international law.

The nine-dash line violates the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and goes way beyond the 24-miles territorial waters limit.

The position of the US over the South China Sea disputes

The United States has not been assuming a very confrontational stance against China over the South China Sea territorial claims.

Instead, the US approach has been quite accommodating towards Beijing especially since the 90s.

Many geopolitical analysts have been correct in saying that China’s economic growth exploded in that decade, but they fail to mention the reasons behind China’s surge.

The occult government that rules America, also known as the deep state, did not do anything to prevent China from transforming into a huge economic power.

On the contrary, the powerful financial lobbies of the deep state financed the economic development of China.

Wall Street has been forming a very close alliance with the Chinese Communist dictatorship.

Hundreds of millions of dollars have been poured into China and the country that was a few decades ago, one of the most underdeveloped in terms of technology and industrialization, has turned into one of the most advanced in the world.

After China joined the World Trade Organization, its cheap and poor-quality goods flooded every market in the world.

At that time, the United States governed by the Clinton administration did not even try to oppose China’s entry in the WTO. On the contrary, it allowed it and praised it as a great opportunity, by stating that “by joining the WTO, China is not simply agreeing to import more of our products, it is agreeing to import one of democracy’s most cherished values, economic freedom.”

Of course, none of this has ever taken place. China has been dramatically increasing its exports and the Western world has turned into the importer of its products.

This has not happened by mistake. There was a reason why the deep state allowed China to join the WTO.

The reason lies in the concept of globalization. The idea which globalization is founded upon is free trade without any restrictions.

Globalist powers like the World Economic Forum and the Club of Rome conceived of a world where the Western hemisphere was completely deindustrialized.

Their idea was to move the entire supply and production chains to Asian countries as a way to lower the cost of labor and deprive the Western world of its industrial power.

Therefore, globalism needed China to pave the way to globalization. This is why China has never been contained by the deep state or by the globalist institutions.

China was chosen by the most influential financial families such as the Warburgs, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds as the “model” country for the New World Order global authoritarian society.

We have been seeing the acceleration of this process with the COVID terrorist operation when China terrified the world with useless lockdowns to contain the spread of the new coronavirus.

Later, we saw China’s true strategy emerging. China accepted its part in this artificial crisis only to take advantage of the economic crisis of the Western world by buying its companies that ended up failing because of suicidal lockdowns.

However, we have been recently become aware that there are some problems between China and the globalist powers because China has no intention to pave the way to a New World Order run by these powers. China wants to sit on the throne of its own economic empire.

This is the reason why America has been working for China for more than two decades. Professor Dongsheng who teaches International Relations at Renmin University, explained very well in a public speech, the relationship between China and the deep state.

The Chinese academic said that the reason why China has been prospering undisturbed is because the Communist dictatorship is deeply connected to the financial élite that rule America.

There was no quarrel between Peking and Washington. Everything was fine for China until Donald Trump was elected to the White House.

Trump’s election completely upset the plans of the globalist powers. The plan of the deep state was to put Hillary Clinton in the Oval office, further strengthening the US-China relationship.

Trump’s America First doctrine put an end to America being subservient to China. For the first time after decades, there was a President in the White House who placed America’s interests before everything else.

Trump separated the United States from the lethal grip of the New World Order and by doing so, separated America from China.

However, tensions between China and America did not stop even under the so-called Biden administration.

This situation has surprised many observers because Joe Biden was supposed to mend the relations between these two countries because Biden has been on China’s payroll for years. We have not been seeing anything of this happening.

Most probably, the reasons why Biden has not changed Trump’s policy must be found in what might have happened in January 2021.

Several military sources claim that Trump signed the Insurrection Act before leaving the White House.

The President had no other choice to prevent the coup d’état that had been perpetrated against him.

Therefore, if this information is correct, neither Biden nor Harris have effectively been in charge.

America is likely ruled by the military loyal to Trump in this moment. This scenario would be perfectly consistent with what Biden, or most likely the military, has done in foreign policy matters.

Biden withdrew troops from Afghanistan and increased sanctions against China, while the international finance and the deep state asked him to do otherwise.

All these events seem to suggest that someone else is in charge in the White House and it is not Joe Biden. Neither is it the deep state. Someone else is in control and this someone is not following the deep state agenda.

We needed to introduce this geopolitical and historic reconstruction because it could be quite important to put into context what happened recently in the South China Sea.

As was mentioned before, the USS Connecticut did not hurt any object.

According to the Pentagon source who has reached out to us, there was a military confrontation between this submarine and the Chinese military near the Spratly Islands.

The USS Connecticut was assigned a secret mission, which was to destroy the system communications of a Chinese military base in one of the islets of this sea zone.

Once the submarine reached the coast where the base was located, it launched a missile against the target.

Apparently, the mission was successful because the base was destroyed. However, China reacted and launched a counteroffensive against the American submarine that was damaged by the Chinese attack.

Chinese Joint Staff was furious over the US sabotage operation and demanded an ever more resolute military response.

Only a phone call from the higher ranks of the Chinese government prevented a military escalation between Washington and Peking.

All this information would be reported in a classified NATO document.

However, the Pentagon source who has reached out to this blog has shared even more startling revelations about this crisis between US and China.

We have been seeing in these days that Facebook and Instagram suffered unexplained and unprecedented outages.

Facebook said that these blackouts were caused by a configurational issue.

However, our source told us that what we have been seeing happening to Facebook is the direct result of a Chinese cybernetic attack as a retaliation over the Spratly Islands battle.

If this scenario is correct, China has not damaged Trump and the military who is loyal to him, but rather a social network that is a part of the deep state machine power.

Facebook has been censoring everything that contradicts the globalist single thought. Nevertheless, Davos and the other globalist circles are not happy with Zuckerberg.

Soros demanded his “removal” from the platform one year ago and the Facebook whistleblower, Frances Haugen, who’s denouncing this social platform is tied to Democratic Party groups.

Globalism demanded an even more aggressive censorship on Facebook and (probably) a blacklisting of the “extremists” users to be reported to the local authorities.

In any case, this scenario is another confirmation that there is an underground battle that affects what happens on the surface.

What we see on the surface is just a slight glimpse of what happens in the depths of the real world.

Patriots who are still loyal to President Trump are fighting this battle against the New World Order everyday in the underground world.

If we have not been plunging into the Great Reset, it is because America has not yet fallen in the hands of the masonic powers that have ruled over America for decades.

However, there is a very appropriate quote by Honorè de Balzac to explain the dynamics that affect our lives.

De Balzac said that “there are two histories: official history, lying, and then secret history, where you find the real causes of events.”

The New World Order totalitarian plan has been progressing because a veil of secrecy has been protecting it.

If we want to know who the real rulers of this world are, we must remove that veil and start learning secret history, where the real causes of events take place.

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  1. daredruh

    Very interesting article, thank you.

    • Cesare Sacchetti

      Thank you, Dare!

  2. Tim Shey

    Excellent research, great article. Keep up the good work, Cesare.

    • Cesare Sacchetti

      Thanks a lot, Tim!

  3. Tim Shey

    I liked your quote about history from Honore de Balzac. I read PERE GORIOT and EUEGENIE GRANDET by Balzac many years ago; very good novels.

    Here are some similar quotes you might like to read:

    “These people, New York Times, CNN, they’re media whores. They’re literally whores and they’re stupid and they do the bidding of whoever pays them. They’re not journalists. They’re not journalists, at all. They’re whores. It’s a public relations, you know. They’re just trying to control your mind – and they they will admit it. They have admitted it on camera. They said, ‘That’s our job!’ What’s her name, Brzezinski – Mika? She said, ‘It’s our job to tell people what to think.’”

    –Isaac Kappy

    “Shortly, the public will be unable to reason or think for themselves. They’ll only be able to parrot the information they’ve been given on the previous night’s news.”

    — Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1972

    “The average newspaper, especially of the better sort, has the intelligence of a hillbilly evangelist, the courage of a rat, the fairness of a prohibitionist boob-jumper, the information of a high school janitor, the taste of a designer of celluloid valentines, and the honor of a police-station lawyer.”

    –H. L. Mencken

    “In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press….They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers.

    An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.”

    –U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway, 1917

    “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.”

    –George Orwell


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